migrantvoice.org http://www.migrantvoice.org/ Thu, 16 Jan 2014 05:15:51 GMT FeedCreator 1.8.0-dev (info@mypapit.net) test http://www.migrantvoice.org/projects/test-210717101238.html  Migrant Voice - test


2017 07 21 17:12 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html
test test http://www.migrantvoice.org/projects/test-test-210717101114.html  Migrant Voice - test test


2017 07 21 17:11 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html
The 'Story in a Poem' project http://www.migrantvoice.org//the-story-in-a-poem-130516120659.html  Migrant Voice - The 'Story in a Poem' project

The 'Story in a Poem' project aims to ensure young voices are heard on the issue of migration and to strengthen relations between young migrants and non-migrants in Glasgow.

The project will run a series of ten sessions to train participants to use creative tools to tell their stories and experiences of migration, community and integration as it affects their daily lives and realities.

Who: The project will engage a group of up to 25 young people aged 18-30, from a wide range of backgrounds, both migrants and UK-born nationals

The sessions: ‘A story in a Poem’ project will organise ten sessions of training workshops and mentoring sessions where participants will learn storytelling, creative writing, public speaking, and explore creative ways to tell stories while exploring themes of migration, integration, diversity, community and their hopes for the future. Participants will learn how to present their stories and record them as podcasts and videos.

Participants will be working together on a shared goal to create poems/stories/messages that can be used more widely and longer term to create understanding and reduce negative perceptions. In doing so, they will also build a better understanding amongst themselves – between different types of migrants and between migrants and the host community.

Ultimately, the participants will each create a final written poem or story to share with a wider audience either as a podcast or by performing their final piece to an audience at the project's final event to engage the wider public in dialogue.

Network meetings will also be organised with participants, before, at the mid-point and after the project in order to plan and evaluate the project and engage the Migrant Voice network in the project.

Sharing the learning: Participants' stories will be shared widely amongst young people and in the wider public in order to build better understanding. A documentary about the project will be produced and shared as a model for others to replicate the work.

By using creative writing and storytelling we are using the power of art and creative tools for participants to explore issues more freely, and express themselves more confidently by using symbols and metaphors. Using poetry, stories and sounds, also allow for the public to engage more freely with the issues raised.

2016 05 13 14:06 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html
Testing From Boss by a "india and World" http://www.migrantvoice.org/projects/testing-from-boss-by-a-040516121547.html  Migrant Voice - Testing From Boss by a "india and World"

Testing From Boss by a "india and World"

2016 05 04 14:15 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html
testing from 2612016 http://www.migrantvoice.org/projects/0.html  Migrant Voice - testing from 2612016

testing from 2612016

2016 01 26 07:33 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html
testing 20161130 http://www.migrantvoice.org/projects/0.html  Migrant Voice - testing 20161130

testing 20161130

2016 01 25 07:00 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html
Meet a Migrant project http://www.migrantvoice.org//0.html  Migrant Voice - Meet a Migrant project

The Meet a Migrant project is a new initiative launched by Migrant Voice in 2015 which aims to bring more migrants’ authentic voices into the media.

The first meeting, held in London on 30th October was a huge success with over 10 migrant participants (including Syrian and Eritrean refugees, activists and experts) and journalists from the BBC, Guardian, Telegraph and Evening Standard attending. The meeting focussed on the refugee crisis, and in particular, issues facing Syrian refugees in the UK. The informal meeting gave our participants the opportunity to freely discuss their concerns and provided journalists with new angles and stories to report on the crisis, allowing for more migrant voices to be heard in the migration debate.

The response from journalists was extremely positive, with comments including: “I found it so interesting and instructive” and “I’m very interested in taking this further.” We’re hoping that as a result of these meetings, there will be more direct contributions of migrants in the media leading to a more balanced debate on migration. We are planning a series of similar events in London, Birmingham and Glasgow over the next two years. 

To learn more about this project or to express your interest in becoming a migrant spokesperson, please contact pui-yi[at]migrantvoice.org

2015 11 12 17:19 http://www.arabstoday.net/business/specialreports/2014-01-16-05-13-32.html